We have taken to opportunity to remind riders of a few basic pointers with acknowledgement and permission from our friends at Surrey TRF.
- Use only vehicular rights of way.
Trail riding is only lawful on public roads. If in doubt, check with the Highway Authority or the TRF. Motorcycles and riders must be road-legal. Green lanes are subject to the same laws and speed limits as surfaced roads.
- Keep to the defined way across farmland
Wheels can damage crops and grass. Wandering from the road onto farmland or moorland is trespassing. If in doubt, ask.
- Give way to walkers, horses and cyclists
As a courtesy, on narrow lanes, stop and switch off engines.
- Fasten gates to safeguard stock
Except those tied open for farming purposes. An open gate invites animals to stray, endangering themselves, and crops or traffic.
Ride at a reasonable speed, taking regard of conditions and visibility. The TRF advise of a voluntary maximum of 25mph whilst on the lanes.
Machines must be effectively silenced. Use the throttle with discretion, as noise can offend. Green lanes are subject to the same laws as surfaced roads. Remember that there are others out there looking for any excuse to stop use using legal rights of way!
Respect the countryside and those who live, work and play in it. Green lanes can be valuable habitats, so take special care in spring and early summer.
Carry your membership card with you when trail riding, so that you may identify yourself as a current member of the TRF – and display a current membership sticker.
Safety on the move.
- Run leader will brief riders on run etiquette and identify a back-marker who will act as sweeper. When back-marker is seen, then all riders are accounted for.
- Do not ride too close to the rider in front
- Avoid overtaking, especially on lanes. The rider in front doesn’t know what you are planning, and he could change direction or stop.
- At all junctions; check that the rider is behind you. If you cannot see him, wait for him. Do not turn off without the rider behind you seeing where you turned.
- If you get lost from the main group or you are still waiting for the rider behind you. Stop and wait for the run leader or another rider to come and get you. Do not try to guess where they went.
- Major turnings. Wait until all the group is together before carrying on.
- Ensure that the group is all there. If all the riders aren’t there, the run leader will go back to find them. The lost riders should wait until found.
- Follow the TRF code of conduct.
- Run leader should carry a map – Even if you know the route backwards. A rider may want to leave the group (for any number of reasons) and you may have to explain how they get back on the normal roads. Also, you may get challenged by another user, you can then show them that you are riding a legal right of way.
- Ideally only 6 riders per run – This not only makes it easier to lead, but causes less conflict with other users.
(We are producing laminated versions of these free of charge for Herts TRF members)
Have Fun!
Herts TRF have a nominated safety champion.

Please pass and concerns you have via the Chairman Mario Costa-Sa and they will be forwarded to the Safety Champion for review.