Get in touch and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to hearing from you!
New Member Enquiries [email protected]
Equestrian Events [email protected]
Website Comments\enquiries [email protected]
Herts TRF Chairman [email protected]
Herts TRF Vice Chairman [email protected]
Herts TRF Treasurer [email protected]
Rights Of Way Officer [email protected]
The TRF only uses the information you provide about yourself for the purposes of administering your membership. This includes sending you Trail Magazine, membership materials and contacting you about TRF matters.
We will not resell your information to third parties, nor will we use it to market non-TRF services to you.
We use the information you provide about yourself for the purposes of Hert's TRF. This includes organising rides, events and group meetings.
We share information about our members with the (national) TRF as necessary.
We will not resell your information to third parties, nor will we use it to market non-TRF services to you.